so i had an interesting week/weekend.
the week started out kind of weird with maria and i hanging out a couple of days. very sweet girl and cute as hell but i'm not so sure she's the opposing puzzle piece. but i guess we'll have some fun.
stopped by jen's place because she said she had a christmas present waiting for me…and it was a wonderful scarf! i love hand-made gifts.
thursday morning i received an email update for a show going on at the diaper so i started to make plans to get a semi-large group to go. thought i'd steal the suburban [gross, right..] for the night and pile 'em in. well as it turns out, jonathan is busy with his up coming play [as always] so him and ashley are out, trevor is out cold with some sort of sickness, can't get a hold of jess , so by this point i'm thinking all's lost. but indeed i was wrong! bergey was the only one who pulled through. so we said fuck it and went anyway…and rocked the joint like the true gangstas that we are. heard some great bands such as HUGS, The Setup and The Sea The Sea. I was so impressed with The Sea The Sea that I saw them again at Mac's Bar friday night. Kind of slow there, but still a great show. Met some random people that night that invited me to their place…drank, played some jams…and ended up crashing on their couch. [to they i am truly thankful, for i was smashed. glad i didn't get raped.] drove to a holiday inn the next morning and got a room, watched some movies and made good use of the hot tub and sauna. relaxed most of sunday-day and finally ended the weekend with watching Big Fish with trev and liz. Wasn't a horrible movie but i have to say that i was kind of disappointed because i had high expectations. but i had a good night, no less.
hrm. so that's an update.
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