Ah, summer. Digging into SW and finding our spots, our community.
Sharayah and I had some incredible “Detroit style” pizza at the new Ex Novo location in downtown Beaverton yesterday. 5 minutes from the house is nice, downtown is coming along. She said it’s the “best pizza she’s ever had” in ‘Portland’. I’m not sure about that, but it’s a nice change from the pies we’re used to getting.
Found a Quaker meeting house in the area I really like today at West Hills Friends Church. Just the right amount of weird meets structure. Everyone is really friendly and welcoming. After several weird experiences elsewhere, I think this must be the place.
Now enjoying a Czech style pils under a tree on a 78 degree day on the patio at Lucky Labrador in Multnomah Village reflecting on the journey that brought me here and considering the future.
Oh, and the kid is 5 months now. How did that happen?
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