

Long couple of days, but feeling more alive today after some rest and lots of coffee.

Got in about 2 a.m. (5 a.m. Eastern) the night before last. Had a couple hour delay with our connecting flight out of Seattle. All told, a 13-hour travel day with my 4 y.o.

Carried him (40lbs) and his cargo about a mile according to my watch. My legs and arms definitely feel like they got a workout today. I guess that’s how we acquire that coveted “dad bod”.

Overall, Pax was a trooper though, and is a great traveler despite me having kept him up way past his bedtime.

At one point, he spilled a half-full glass of apple juice all over himself an hour into our 4.5 hour flight from Detroit and had to fly pants-less (pictured here) for the remainder of the flight. I dried him off with a clean pair of undies I brought in my carry-on, and away we went. I don’t think he minded so much.

1 min read

Perhaps I’m being a little too sensitive, but yesterday a superior of mine told me to tuck in my shirt, and it offended me.

I was dressed in navy chinos and a nice button down shirt, but I’d been at my desk for almost 8 hours and wanted to be comfortable. I was preparing for a televised night meeting where I’d present in front of a government body.

I’ve led these hearings 8-10 times per year for going on six years now. I have never, not once, not tucked in my shirt for a public hearing.