Apollo 8. #nasa
So…one of our engines had a fuel leak so they had to turn it off and land with one. Taxi escort by the fire department. #delta #deltaairlines #atlanta #nofoolin
Digging the 12er of Centennial cans @gaybrains.
There are 1399 people from Gaylord who don’t know the difference between you’re and your.
James doing his thang. #jhk
Outlawing Main Street – John Norquist, President of CNU, on Hoover and federal impediments to mixed use development.
Robert Gibbs at the Economics of Urbanism Symposium. #birmingham #michigan
Michael Finney and Rick Snyder. #MES14 #puremichigan
DeGraff opening day two of the #GES14 #innovation #puremichigan
March Hop Madness with my dad! #hopcat
Whoopsie daisy. #kroger
Proud of my dad and his “First Lady”.
Not bad for a Monday.
Detroit Public Library #DPL
Nice ride! #shinola
Working in #detroit
Unfashionably effective.
Coming together. #thrift