• journal of an american psycho, part 2

    been a while, old friend.  clean slate?  tell that to the ghosts.  they've been knocking around in this old head of mine…conspiring through the walls where they've been captured..err…were captured.  i should probably leave that analogy dead in its tracks.  but the fact is they're here, really here, and i'm not bottling them, and hiding them in places any longer.

    mystic thought would have me forgetting my ego, transcending myself so to speak; and believe me, i've tried on a daily basis for years.  when i really concentrate i can get it, and other times when i'm not paying attention–mind so numb it doesn't want to function anymore–i get it then, too.  those are the islands.  was it Huxley that said we are our own island universe?  i forget.  i don't think my transcending self has been natural.  if there was a line, say from chicago to new orleans that represented a natural progression toward enlightenment, or simply a calm, quiet, well being, then i would have to say that when my mind goes black i'm somewhere in the upper stratosphere falling toward some point along that line.  the harder i fight self, the stronger it comes back.  this has led me to believe that i've needed these few steps back in order to make it a couple steps forward, comfortably.  one foot in front of the other, firmly planted on the ground.  everything out in the open.

    i've been considering lately the possibility that all of the drugs i've taken have come back to bite me in the ass, and maybe i'm permanently fucked up because of them.  i don't know how seriously to consider this for the sheer fact that i've known plenty of people who have done more drugs than your average touring funk band, and all in all, they are quite fine individuals.  i was never a junky.  i never did drugs on a regular basis, ever.  i've never done heroin or crack or meth, but given the mental state of certain family members, i would say the drugs could do nothing but compound the problem.  i have my doubts, but i won't rule it out.

    the truth is things aren't bad.  things certainly aren't fantastic, but i shouldn't have anything to complain about, or be as grumpy as i am.  family is alive and well.  on a decent course in life that i feel confident about.  i'm beyond  broke and quite a bit lonely at times, but the money thing doesn't bother me so much because i'm disgusted with 'things' anyway.  i could use some love.  i hear there are worse things than being alone, and i believe that to be the truth.

    i am a fear-filled person.  i may look and sound like a hard ass on the outside sometimes, but rest assured those are just well developed defense mechanisms.  i'm scared of people.  i don't like public places because i hate people.  yet i force myself into those places and situations constantly in hopes that maybe i'll develop as a person.  im an adolescent again, entering freshman year, completely the object of scrutiny; but instead of all of the hate coming from the farm kids picking on the city kid, coming from the outside in, i'm turning my insides out with self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, and sometimes all out self hatred.  the best example i can give of what goes on in my head is in the movie Adaptation.  Kaufman's monologues are very similar to what goes on in my head on a second to second basis, 85 percent of the time.  i have done some reading up on the brain and from what i've gathered, thinking at the rate that i do uses a hell of a lot of energy.  this would explain the constant fatigue, and also might have something to do with my not gaining weight. ever.

    even with my closest friends, despite their subtle and even not-so-subtle reassurances that should tell me i'm an a-okay person, i still question my worth as a person in their company.

    i don't feel better than people.  not even necessarily do i  always think that i'm worse than people.  i just feel different than people.  i don't understand them.  i don't understand the constant striving for money and possessions.  i don't understand the constant diluting of a culture by the next pop sensation.  do people read anymore, or is that a lost art?  i don't understand the closed-mindedness.  i don't understand the fighting against stereotypes when they are reinforced, in my eyes, day to day.  i don't understand why everyone is so standoffish, and when somebody such as myself isn't, there's always something that comes back to kick that person in the ass three-fold.

    i am an old person who doesn't want to grow up?  until recently i would have been ashamed to admit that i'm a very intelligent person who lacks a lot of so-called common sense knowledge, and/or life skills.  before this year i couldn't have cooked anything unless it came out of a box with instructions.  i set my bills to pay automatically because i'm so forgetful of things, they'd never be on time.  i've relied on people too much, such as family.  i don't have a savings account.  small talk is a big deal.  i've no wit whatsoever.  just cynicism that rubbed off on me in a friendship that no longer is, that i try to pass off as wit in those situations that call for quick comebacks.  i'm super bad with names.  i'm a super good listener if there's a chance that i can have some sort of relationship with the person, but if i don't like them, tough luck.  i can't see that side of the coin, and i don't expect them to see mine.  i'm stubborn as hell.  i change my mind all the time.  new york, LA, new zealand…fuck it, i'll end up here working at a gas station, or a bum/prophet.  meet me behind the new chain restaurant.  the food is still warm.

    i don't know if i'm lucky or damned to have people who support me all the way, but i can't help but feel like someone should have thrown me into the deep end a long time ago.  here i am, all dry, with the attention span of a 5 year old dyslexic, delusions of grandeur, sexual frustration and inadequacies of a pubescent boy, "knowledge" beyond my years, and the senility of a 75 year old dementia patient.

  • so two nights ago i got my ass beat by four dudes.
    life rules.

  • you know it

    crisp grace notes like a flowing falsehood
    flavored to taste after brazen attempts to pare
    film on the firmament, light broken apart and bent
    aberrancy for the sake of itself, or if for some other thing, I did not see it
    cross sections of old films and well-functioning defense mechanisms
    healed better, not so pretty “I feel”
    kissing you made me sick-frozen from fright of bite
    troubled is as troubled does
    scapegoats fancied like play lists played as bedtime stories
    for empty people with excuses between the bed sheets
    shrills to a march, whose heart is not there
    to solidify a fog into all-out rain, to further menace a drear
    grope my rain-soaked trousers, I’m meat
    worry not: your name is safe with me
    and there will be no lies handed out
    because we’re fiction enough to ourselves
    to tire us even in sleep


  • 32 Previously unrecorded Jackson Pollocks announced by Alex Matter

    check it out

  • Today I volunteered my services (and my truck) to a girl that was moving and hadn’t a way to do so. That means this week Derek and I don’t have to volunteer at the soup kitchen to balance out our karma.

    Be sure to watch the Detroit Pistons win a basketball game tonight!

  • After last night's disappointing SNL, I decided to make a cigarette run. I pulled out from the fill station and drove around Lansing because I didn't feel like sitting around the hotel any longer. I drove down Cedar, and headed downtown to check out the skyline for a minute, and then headed in the general direction of the airport just to get my head straight. I saw some wierd lights in the sky but they were pretty faint because of the light pollution. I drove out to the country and saw an amazing episode of Aurora Borealis. Light was flying all over the sky in waves and the electrical storm was most intense directly overhead, almost taking on the shape of a nebula. It took me a while to find a place to pull in and park because of all the florecent lights and trees obstructing views of the sky, but when I finally found a place I pulled in and sat there in the wee hours of the morning watching the storm while the sun began to rise, slowly chasing it across the sky and then finally swallowing it whole. There's something about it that has a pacifying effect over me; my head gets clear and I can't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness; all worries of time and place are filed down to nothing by pleasant reverie. Last night was my second experience with the northern lights.

    The first time, four years ago, I watched the northern lights while lying in a hayfield surrounded by a wood, camping in the back country near Cadillac Lake. Amazingly enough the earth passed through a stream of asteroids that weekend and the Aurora Borealis danced with a meteor shower. Lying on a blanket freezing my drunken ass off I fell in love with a girl who fell in love with me while the sky blazed.

    I think I might head down to Chicago tonight to see Deerhoof at The Empty Bottle.
    (1035 N Western Ave, 773.276.3600)

  • "life isn't a bitch, life is a beautiful woman/
    you only call her a bitch 'cause she won't letchu get that pussy/
    maybe she didn't feel ya'll had any similar interests/
    or maybe you're just an asshole who couldn't sweet talk the princess"

  • education is overrated

      Finals week is always a blessing. I'm apparently the reigning champion of procrastinators.  My work load isn't all that bad, considering I quit Japanese sometime in the middle of the semester, but I did manage to save three papers for my other classes till the last minute.  I ended up writing through the night, first for American Studies and then a reflective piece in the morning on Rumi.  I ended up e-mailing it and I got a little bit of much welcomed praise.  Things like this make my day:
    —– –
    Thanks Bryan. I enjoyed the class a great deal–I really found your willingness to think about these ideas and be honest and open in discussion to be important to the success of the class. You are a smart and thoughtful student–best wishes in your future studies and in life in general.

    I still have a couple of your papers–especially your Walt Whitman-esque poem from the first project. The Whitman poem is excellent, and the connections you made in your Gilded Age paper showed a comprehensive grasp of the themes we have been talking about. 

    Good luck in the future, and keep thinking.


    —– –
    Earlier in the semester we had the choice between a)writing a paper on the Transcendentalist movement in the midst of the westward expansion, or b) create my own original artwork in the style of my choosing that reflects the ideas of Transcendentalists.  So I wrote a quick poem before class where I tried to emulate best I could a Walt Whitman prose piece, reflecting the time frame:

    O, this mighty fortress built upon eloquent words and powerful ideals spewed from soft lips,

    This nation, carved from a continent and gilded with ambition and deceit-filled purpose, with your settlers never settled in their ever-changing notions of will!

    Your people, scattered and numerous across the plains and the mountains, the cities and the countryside, who have grown up with a distance that has failed to set them apart from a nation, tiring and romantic all the same,

    This young mindset, charismatic and naive, brilliant and baffled alike, and though through many faltered steps you have not ceased to believe strongly in yourselves,

    And hardships, they have not been few,

    Struggles far and large, stretching the extent of this country’s vastness, but it is through this toil that your cheeks grow rosy and body restless, feeding the spirit of this land,

    From the defeated scalawag groaning under the pressures of the other-worldly north, knowing not another way to make his livelihood, who interred his progeny for the ideals that he knows true,

    Blessed be the Yank that has not permitted this vessel to break in two, and has gone lengths to see that freedom and liberty are extended to all of God’s creatures; a challenge that extends beyond the battlefield,

    May you rise against the difficulties that await!

    To the freed men, weeping with joy at the sight of a generation born into freedom!

          and to those children, beaming with veneration for their fathers, and hope for their futures!

    Yes, America, frothing at the mouth with hysteria and genius, the garden of a great people; loathsome and proud, amiable and generous; you are all of these things,

    With startling ambiguity you exist, for you are the wicked and the heavy at heart; the chain that binds and the torch that lights the way,

    And as I sit here in my reverie, change do you still, moving forward and backward concurrently in your narcissistic godliness, with all your juvenile follies that are sure to make you grow wise and mature in your years,

    This is my hope for you, America.

    —- — –

    As far as I know, I'm done with Lansing Comm. College.  Funny, every single one of my professors were MSU profs too.  I saved like $20,000.  Thanks LCC!

  • My baby brother is a bad ass

    Everybody, do me a favor and:

    a)go to google
    b)copy this—-> Camp Striker Iraq "Bradley Robb" <—–directly into the search bar
    c)watch the chaos ensue

  • My brother is coming home on leave from Iraq in a couple of days.  It's going to be nice to see him.  Have a few drinks and play some cards.  It's always funny when he comes home because they aren't allowed alcohol in Iraq, and he always gets really shitty and funny drunk when he comes home.  Last time he ordered some of this bunk-ass absinthe and sent it home so it'd be waiting for him when he returned.  Notwithstanding the bunkness of the absinthe itself, the alcohol content was way up there, and little to say we polished it.  Us Robb's are pretty funny drunks. We it's fun rambling about old times.

    I remember when we were just little kids, when we we're going to Westdale Elementary in Saginaw. I was in first grade and he was in Pre-K. We used to get into fights all the time. There were these two book bags that we had and since we were pretty poor, one of the bags was really plain, and the other was this decidely ugly and uncool cheap plaid bag that was totally tattered. We used to fight over whose turn it was to have the plain bag for the day because we didn't like being seen with the plaid one. How ridiculous we were! We always went to the richie schools but always lived in the smallest, poorest section of the school districts. When we moved to Midland it was even worse. We lived in a small two bedroom apartment while all of our friends lived in these huge and gorgeous places that used to make me feel sick to my stomach with envy when I'd walk home from school. Of course we always walked. We would have rather died than be seen dropped off in our old stationwagon. Looking back I feel so foolish thinking that money was such a great thing, and the hell my mother must have put up with raising us alone on what she could. My brother and I used to come home after school and nobody was there to watch us because my mom was at work. She was making just enough money to not qualify for any assistance, and our father was never in the picture so he never sent money. Sometimes we'd forget the key and we wouldn't have anyway of getting in the apartment. Sometimes, if we were lucky, we could climb up to the second floor balcony by stepping on the gas lines that ran up the side of the building. On occassion we could jiggle the sliding door just right and get in. Other times we had to wait in the park. Man those were some hard times. I'm glad I went through it though. I don't know what type of person I would have become if I were one of those people who had everything handed to them their entire life. I don't think I'd have appreciation for anything. How could I, if I never earned it?

  • It’s so cold in this house.
    This weekend is supposed to be nice.
    Exams will be over.
    Sunny and in the seventies.
    I really can’t wait.

  • I shaved off my head like a monk today. Liberating.

  • So I have been reading Bluebeard; thank you for that.  I'm taking it in chunks because I like to read K.V. slowly and taste it.  I didn't think I would, but you were right.  I like it that you underlined parts in it because I can almost tell what you were thinking when I read those chunks, but I don't like "Potato BARN" written in places because I'm afraid you're going to give away the ending, if you haven't already.  I didn't talk to you today because I didn't want to talk to ANYone today, and getting all those calls made me even more reclusive.

    I started writing something after a huge brainstorm, and I sat at the page reworking about five sentences over and over again until it was just right.  I intend this to be a novel, so I'm assuming that it'll be 2050 before it's done.  At least when I'm doing that I'm not thinking about anything else, kind of like Rabo Karabekian's friends.  Except I'm not watching how the paint falls on canvas. I'm lingering on words.  I'm dodging my other obligations. But I guess that's not anything new.  I'll fabricate something to do instead of face the real problems directly. 

    I got carpet in my room today.  Finally.  So I have a bed, which is always a good thing to have, and I have a desk.  And a record player.  Beatles records, Pauls Simon and Art Garfunkel reminding me of when my grandma would dance to Mrs. Robinson, singing in her old person voice and making me smile.  (Some people's parents are as old as my grandma.)  I've taken four boxes of miscellaneous hazerdous waste that has collected over the years and condensed it down to one.  Who knows why I save the shit that I do.  Whenever I used to pull it all out it did nothing but remind me of the best and worst times of my life and make me so nostalgic that I'd get nauseous, and end up getting pissed off at myself for choices, or pissed off that I couldn't be back in those times, or pissed off that I'm not as happy as I was then, or pissed off that I couldn't run a 4:25 mile now if my dirty life depended on it.  I feel that getting rid of this stuff will just let my mind do what it will with all of those thoughts and feelings, and throwing the shit away is the best way for me to move forward instead of always looking back.  Now, If I could just concentrate on getting through today more than thinking about tomorrow, I just might be okay.  That sounds absolutely unauthentic, and it is.  But it's true nevertheless.

    The funny thing about heading toward your Twenties is that you think that they're going to be fantastic.  At least I thought they would be.  Sure, I've had some pretty fantastic times.  Maybe twice a year, when I'm drunk enough to forget myself, but not drunk enough to misplace myself.  I thought you were supposed to enjoy these times?  Fuck these times.  People just leave.  That's all people ever do is just leave.  Maybe that's just the Midwest, I dunno.  Suddenly I feel a longing to be in an episode of Cheers.  *SINGING*sometimesyouwannago where everybodyknowsyourname*.

    Let's do a quick recap of my adult life.  Here we go.
    Graduate high school, with honors.(+)
    Get into U of M, move to Detroit (+) Working at Meijer (-)
    Move to East Lansing to be with Larice once again, failing out of MSU miserably after only a year. (-) 7-11 (-)
    We break up, I move home because I'm no longer in school.  Work various mindless jobs for this period.(-)
    Get an apartment in Lansing for a year with Angie doing absolutely nothing with myself.  Chi-chi's. (-)
    Move to Naples for 6 months with Angie, working @ surf shop, cheats on me, do absolutely nothing with myself. (-)
    Move to Jacksonville for six months so I can establish residency and start school again, but I'm kicked out of my place with no money saved, so I have to move home.  Still nothing. (-)
    Work the summer at Alma College as grounds crew. (-)
    Start at LCC (+)  Working at gas station. (-)
    Slept with my best friends girlfriend, thus destroying every social tie that I have (–)
    First year, 3.8 gpa. (+) Working at gas station (-)
    Second year, 3.5 gpa (+)  Working at P.F. Chang's (-) Apartment okay for the most part aside from my being fickle.(+/-)

    I have a larger collection of name tags and hair nets than Wayne Campbell.  My resume.  Brilliant.  I may be on the upswing.  I don't know.  School has been all right for the most part, but it's pretty discouraging when you're 24 and  you've barely got 70 credits and you see 21 y/o kids graduating and moving off and doing great things.

    A change of mindset is in order.  Or a hefty kick in the balls.  So what's done is done and I just needed to ramble so I can set this day in the past and leave it there.  Cheers.

  • walls painted, floor 85% installed

    cleaning out/throwing away all of the boxes i left here from before i moved to florida.  funny, i saved so much.  the best part about it are the photos and all of my writing assignments that i saved over the years, from grade school on up.  the evolution of bryan was/is hideous.  i should scan some memorabilia.  everyone would have a good laugh, including myself.

    i also found a record player with needle intact!  listening to the kinks with neverending zealous!

  • journal of an american psycho, part 1

    today i woke to the sound of my focus-challenged, seventeen-year-old brother, and my 43 year-old mother fighting because she didn't wake him up in time for school. my brother, who has been through four high schools, for various reasons, many of which i believe to be fiction, has once again accumulated more than nine (9) absences in the better half of his classes this semester. meanwhile, in a not-so-distant corner of the house, where i was coming out of a dream where i was supposedly some kind of motorcycle pro who has just come out of a coma and is getting back into his training regiment, hear the sound of an adolescent boy's whine reverberating off the freshly de-carpeted wooden floor of the house, down the hall, and into my dreaming head. five years ago i would have screamed back. today i just opened my eyes to the sun coming through my bare windows and listened. i felt for my smokes, which are never farther than an arm's length from me at all times. i pulled one out, lit it, and took a drag that would have knocked me down if i hadn't already been in my bed, and when i exhaled it did that thing where all the spinning smoke is automatically highlighted when it reaches the rays of the sun, contrasted to the shadow where the sun doesn't reach. i listened to a little bit more of the conversation as i finished the cigarette, yells and stomping feet…"it's all your fault, and now i'm gonna hafta take those classes overr!"…"NO, whose the one who had all of those absences to begin with?!"…"well i was gonna go the rest of the year…why didn't you wake me up??"…"you're seventeen years old, can't you set your alarm?"…yada yada. it's funny, but not so funny. i mean, i've known for a while that my brother has been fucking his life up. and as i lie there smoking, i thought to myself, "oh, eric. if you only knew how hard you're making this on yourself". and it's too late. we've done everything for him, from helping him, offering to help him, offered counseling, fought with teachers to keep him, changed schools to get a fresh start, tried medication. he spends a lot of time on his car. more than a healthy amount of time sanding, inhaling fumes, painting, ripping this out, welding that. he's pretty good at it. the trouble i had lying in bed there, listening to the fighting, was my belief systems. i'm not quite a fan of our economy, our political system, capitalism, the american dream. sure, we all dream about stuff. we all have dreamt about being a great (fill in the blank). and it has us chasing these things without heart, recklessly. not just things, but status and power, too. and on countless occasions, i don't know how many (but probably far too many), i have sat my brother down and tried to get his goals out of him, push him towards something, to use his brain. to focus. to set the bar high. but as i look back, i wonder why i should put any more effort into it. why should i have him chasing these things? if he finds happiness in simple things, like working on cars, so be it. if he achieves that, then that's more than i can say i've accomplished. why should i give advice to someone who doesn't want it? in addition, why should i, the giver of that advice, say anything at all when i could use some counseling myself? so i continued about my day in the normal fashion. smoked a lot of cigarettes, did as minimal as possible. i sat in my car an hour for the warmth and the silence, clearing my head of all the trials my head fabricates, trying to dissolve fears, narcissism, clutter. i dressed up to go no where. i looked at myself in the mirror, "i'm ugly, i'm pretty, i'm ugly, i'm pretty…","…my mother was a real woman and my father a real man, what am i?" i cannot go back to working mindless jobs. i can't stand to work with one more person who's about as bright as a fork in a microwave. then i think, "goddamn, that's such a mean thing to say. what's wrong with manual labor and finding enjoyment, maybe even enlightenment in it?" thus i teeter, back and forth in my thoughts, only becoming clear when i force meditation upon myself. can it balance? i think that i'm great, then i think i'm worthless. i wonder how much is indoctrination. how many of my dreams are prescribed by this place in which i live, how many aren't complete fabrications. what won't i accomplish by my lack of commitment to anything or anyone? what will i accomplish by wanting to do everything, be everywhere at once, and be everything to everyone? absolutely nothing. but will i die happy? i'm still working on that.

  • Like eating glass

    It's times like these that I'm glad that I don't keep a lot of personal possessions. I'm moved out of my apartment and it really didn't take more than two days to get everything organized, packed up, and moved. There is one thing that I'm neglecting, though, and it's painting over the walls. I shouldn't have ever done it, being that it's an apartment but I was tired of living in mind-numbing white. Hopefully I'll finish that up tonight.

    I've been thinking about heading over to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship as a spectator on one Sunday to see what they're all about. I'm not really into organized religion, and I'm sure those who know me the best would say that I've said more than my fair share against them. But I think that these people are kind of the anti-religious-establishment establishment. I was researching their stuff and at very least they sound uncommonly interesting to me. They're so open minded that I've been wanting to check them out for the sheer sense of community…and possibly so I can do some volunteer work. I don't know what I'd do, but I feel that I've got a lot to be thankful for, and there are plenty out there that have nothing, so why not do what I can instead of griping about things all the time.

    Also, I'm probably a little late on this train by a couple of months, but I've been listening to Bloc Party and it may just be true that they saved music for me. I was starting to think that there were no truly sincere bands out there…that also whaled like nobody's business. These folks most certainly do, and I'm rockin' it like it's hot. Don't listen to the hype, just grab the album Silent Alarm before you're the last person on earth who hasn't heard this heroic band. Also, I'm pretty damned excited about the 6 re-releases of all the Super Furry Animals discs. Too bad I'm pretty much flat. British Sea Power also. I do have the ole iPod. Someday I'm going to need and repent for not paying these wonderful people. My logic – they're a lot richer than I am, and they're not eating kraft dinner…so when I'm old and loaded from retirement and booze, I'll go through the old collection, and any band that I feel changed me positively in some way…I'll buy two of every copy. No I won't.

    Lately I've been so incredibly lazy. I think that the last year has caught up with me, working and school and partying and trying to balance it all out. I don't have much motivation to do anything this week. It's like a mini vacation. My body is catching up, and maybe I'll be recouped by this weekend. Until then, I'm just concentrating on myself. I've neglected that person.

  • As I lay in bed this evening trying desperately to fall sleep I happened across two thoughts:

    A) They must put a topically addictive substance in Q-tips; and
    B) Despite how decidedly uncool it is to have a favorite band, I choose Super Furry Animals


  • wouldn't it be wonderful if everything was meaningless (pedro's title, bryan's prose)

    i spent the afternoon
    and much of the evening
    right here

    much of the morning too

    the sun hid
    for the better part of a season
    this midwestern gray
    with its skies drained
    like my lungs
    suffocating with a Camel’s
    all deliberate speed

    but today
    no, yesterday
    the sun decided
    he was tired of suicide notes
    and came out with guns blazing
    forcing me to class

    to those trite teachers
    flagrantly approaching godliness
    to themselves
    and to the mindless dummies
    who grasp convictions based on cynicism–
    like fashion coughing up
    whatever hasn’t been stated
    except in the vague references
    of music
    and the undercurrents
    of a popular-by-unpopularity-
    bullying weak
    who at first surprise
    with vocabulary
    but who still
    haven’t any idea
    what the fuck they’re talking about

    they’ve found a taste for coffee by day
    and despondence by night
    bellowing obscure words
    like swooning disaster
    at the end of the bar
    to the girl with the pink pink skin
    pink pink skin

    legs long as knives in loins
    dress hiked to the barstool
    peeking white cotton panties
    when she laughs, she laughs

    what was her name

  • only three days left!

  • today is so so gorgeous.
    just thinking this is what people of san diego get everyday is motivation enough for me to put my sights on that place when the wandering life is done with me.

  • uh oh, bryan

    derek: I went to listen to a Salsa station on my radio
    derek: lazy mexicans
    derek: it's not up and running

    "What people don't realize is that the so-called Seattle grunge scene grew out of several close-knit gourmet supper clubs – we would only pick up guitars to pass the time while our dishes were simmering, baking, boiling, etc." -kurt cobain

  • what it's like to croak through everlasting winters, siding with escape

    Last night the fill station attendant wore a thigh-length, faux fur coat, a garment whose strands were at least three inches in length, and black like that of his own locks. A subtle, pink neck bore the only separation of the two, leaving his head dangling in space above the jacket like a dot atop an upside down exclamation point. My excitement was not for the coat, but instead for the passion in which he wore it as he collected bags of trash from outside!

  • I returned from a trip a couple of weeks ago only to find something written on the living room wall. It read:
    "No matter how far a jackass travels he will always come back a jackass"
    I don't know that it was directed at me but I found it rather uncanny to have appeared soon after I returned. To be quite honest, that was the straw that broke the "jackass' " back. I put in my notice at work and told my flatmates that I've got to leave, and that I'm doing it ASAP. I'm thinking with more humility and attempting to get in touch with reality. I'm fed up with trying to make a puzzle piece fit that was never meant to, tired of quotas and status, or the appearance of them; all in all my goal is just to get back in touch with myself. I don't know that it will happen, but I'm going to try. My mind is very unstable lately, as if I'm on the verge of a major shift in mindset and from this point things are critical. I can see myself completely collapsing or rising up and this is the place where those roads diverge. I want to find something creative and simple to work on, whether it be writing or remodeling my parents' house; something simple that i can focus most of my efforts on. I'm tired with worrying how I look in other people's eyes, tired of being judged, tired of dealing with the stress of my work and the people I have to see on a daily basis. I don't want to see any people that I don't have to, a funny thing to say for someone interested in sociology, but it's the truth. I came down here to be surrounded by people and now I'm just sick of them. Like going to the bar for a beer and instead you get smashed on tequilla. I want to see my family and I want to love them, and I want to be in an environment that is caring and facilitates my desire to discover my convictions on my own and live by them, or at least move towards it more so than I have recently. Last night, in response to that slogan on the brick in the wall I responded, with an anecdote, whether it was directed toward me or not. It now reads, just below:
    "No matter how much a wise ass pontificates he will never be more than a wise ass"