Thinking about trying Bridgy Fed.
Thinking about trying Bridgy Fed.
1500M free final swimming: the event from hell.
I need to learn more about Webmention. I’d love to be able to link comments made on cross-posts to Mastodon, Blue Sky, Threads etc. to my self-hosted blog. That’s the best thing about to me IMO. Wish this stuff was more user friendly.
Read a great quote today:
“You shouldn’t criticize your partner’s choices – you’re one of them.”
What’s your favorite steps counting app for iOS with a widget?
We took a country drive out to Carlton this morning to go swimming in their public pool, which was nicer than expected. In fact, the entire town was cuter than I expected. I had forgotten that some vineyards use it for their tasting rooms.
Afterward, we went out to our friend’s house in a nearby rural area. The kids spent time with her father (“Pa”), taking rides on a makeshift train the guy made out of an old electric shopping cart (Amigo?) and several trailers he constructed himself out of old water filtration tanks.
Our friend has been growing flowers and giving them away for free. I think it’s a really sweet idea and a nice way to brighten people’s day. The adults and most of the kids helped put together some bouquets for their roadside stand.
We ate a fresh lunch and I went out and said hello to the mules. I think we connected, but they may have thought I had treats.
I’m sort of preparing for when Ghost gains ActivityPub functionality.
Combined features from two Ghost themes, which is a miracle given my lack of experience with this sort of thing. I wanted a landing page with just photos in a masonry style, and a notes page for micro blogging as a secondary page. Still have some cleanup to do in CSS and RSS routing, but I’m getting closer to being fully self-hosted. This is fun.
My son’s day camp is in a former elementary school turned rec center. I love its mid-century design. I attended similar schools growing up, but it took age and a design education to fully appreciate these buildings. It pains me to see so many being torn down.
For me, it’s looking like the best way to stay under my calories and still feel like a human is to just not eat from 8 p.m. until lunch at 11:30 a.m. the next day.
When people say the PNW will be a place for climate refugees, they must not live here. This place bakes every summer, we’re almost always in a drought, and the wildfires are becoming increasingly more common.
When people say the PNW will be a place for climate refugees, they must not live here. This place bakes every summer, we’re almost always in a drought, and the wildfires are becoming increasingly more common.
I need to ween myself off my fizzy water addiction.
IMO the summer sunsets often aren’t much to look at here on account of there being so few clouds. No cotton candy skies like back east. Fall can be pretty nice, though.
There aren’t nearly enough hedgerows in this country.
“…[T]he nations with the biggest surpluses of grain have always exerted power over the ones in short supply. Throughout history governments have encouraged their farmers to grow more than enough grain, to protect against famine, to free up labor for other purposes, to improve the trade balance, and generally to augment their own power. George Naylor is not far off when he says the real beneficiary of his crop is not America’s eaters but its military-industrial complex.”
// The Omnivore’s Dilemma
TIL I’m 70 lbs overweight.
I don’t like how I feel most days. Setting a goal today to change the way I eat and hopefully the energy will follow. The current path is unsustainable and I want to have more energy for my kids. -
Growing up in MI, I always thought Grosse Pointe et al. was just a bougie area. My perspective has changed. They are gorgeous, rather urban former street car neighborhoods for which there is no affordable counterpart in the PNW.
A neat flower I found last week.