• Unfortunately, I have noticed my attention span being whittled away at slowly over the last 10 years. I have ADHD, but no supprise that it’s gotten worse since about the time I picked up my first smartphone.

    I consume the news, but a lot of the time I can’t even be bothered to read a full newsletter in my inbox, let alone read an entire book. I’m committing to a mid-year resolution to slow down and consume less randomness in hopes of redirecting my attention toward more meaningful things.

  • Follow-up visit to get the permanent crown fitted. I swear, these glasses they give you are purely for comedic relief.

  • We were talking to a young family at the park tonight who lives at some apartments in our neighborhood. The mom casually mentioned they’re moving because their rent is $2300/mo for a 1-bedroom. ☠️💀

  • For some reason, I am still experiencing disappearing text while writing posts using the official Micro.blog app, Test Flight version. Anyone else experiencing this? Basically makes the app unusable, so I’ve reverted to Gluon. Reported it in-app.

  • I dropped the cheap folk guitar off at Portland Fretworks last week to have them install the Waverly Ivoroid open-back tuners.

    I could’ve done it myself but figured I’d be safe and have a pro do it. But now I’m wishing I had it back and they are only open 22 hours per week. I want those hours.

  • My favorite Paul Reubens character will always be Derek Foreal in the movie Blow. Thanks for the laughs.

  • Since picking up that cheap Canadian folk guitar last week, I have been seriously considering selling my Martin 000-28. It’s a beautiful guitar, but I’m really wondering now if a 00-12 fret might be more my speed. Punchier, more balanced tone. Looking at other Martins, Santa Cruz, and Waterloo. Drop me a line if you have any experience with these smaller body guitars or have suggestions.

  • Every time I walk by this giant redwood in these people’s front yard, I can’t help but chuckle a little bit about its scale in proximity to the house.

  • I have 6 invite codes to Bluesky. Not sure if anyone is actually still waiting on one, but let me know.

  • Just noticed you can cross-post to Pixelfed now from Micro.blog. Nice!

  • The neglected cuttings I took into the office right before Covid: thriving.

    The plants I took them from and cared for at home during this time: long gone.

  • Sinopah Mountain from Two Medicine Ranger Station in Glacier National Park, July 24, 2021.

  • So, if I set up cross posting from Micro.blog to Mastodon and then set Micro.blog to import my Mastodon feed as posts, how long will that go on mirroring itself? Forever?

  • Sometimes I feel bad when I’m a little late for work on in-office days.

    Then, invariably, people without two little kids roll in after me.

  • On our walk this afternoon. When the earth just starts taking things back.

    Reminds me of the World Made by Hand series by James Howard Kunstler I read a few years back.

  • Lately I have been struggling deciding if I want to keep posting to my Micro.blog. There are parts of my life that I often want to write and post about, and even though I don’t necessarily want them private, I don’t want to share them on a public timeline. How do others handle this?

  • Big Thief and Lucinda Williams didn’t disappoint. Hard to believe yesterday was our first full day alone together since both our kids were born. Also, my first concert since Covid. Thanks to my mother-in-law for giving us a day off.

  • Grateful to have this Japanese bakery nearby. Treated ourselves to some donuts this morning.

  • A memory popped up in my photos today of the time I sumitted South Sister, Oregon’s third tallest mountain at 10,358’. This was my first time doing anything of the sort, but I’d like to do it again when the kids are a little older.

  • I’ve dealt with anxiety all my life. Despite this, I have a job that requires me to present to government boards and the public very regularly.

    So imagine my surprise when my Board recently thanked me during a busy session for the great job I do on my presentations. Following that, someone remarked that I was “measured and confident” when speaking.

    It’s strange how so often worry can consume us unnecessarily, how our perceptions of ourselves can crowd out reality and detract from the good in us.

  • Hear me out: curry scalloped potatoes…

  • I hope the person who gets my job after I leave appreciates that I took 95% of the monotony out of the role by automating the mindless, repetitive tasks, like public notices and other bureaucracy, saving time for the employee and a lot of money for the general public. Nah, they won’t.

  • Y’all ever had a peach so good you start reconsidering your nonbelief in god?

  • Dealing with hair loss is pretty emotionally uncomfortable in itself, but add scalp psoriasis to the mix and things can get socially awkward pretty fast, too.

    I hear “just shave it off!” all the time. Thing is, shaving my head often makes my psoriasis much worse.

    Not sure why people are always offering their unsolicited advice or why they think it’s ever appropriate to comment on other peoples’ bodies.

  • Very excited to see Big Thief and Lucinda Williams at Edgefield this Friday!

    I haven’t been to a concert since pre-COVID, so it’s long overdue.