• Trying to remain grateful for what we have despite feeling like we’re outgrowing our house.

    I bought my house in 2016 before I was married or had kids. Coming from the Midwest, housing prices were pretty crazy out here in the Portland region. Not like the Bay Area by any means, but I only had my own income. I was pre-qualified for a mortgage based on my Midwest salary the year prior. I had very limited options, so I bought a short sale fixer upper. 

    When I moved in, the place was in really rough shape. It had been a rental and I’m told that the last renters had multiple animals, including a potbelly pig. I keep a copy of my inspection report, not only as a list of things that need to be done, but as a reminder of how far it’s come. I’ve done most of the work myself, something I’m pretty proud of considering most of our neighbors even hire out their yard work. Blame it on my blue collar Midwestern upbringing. I’ve invested a lot of sweat into the thing. I have an emotional attachment to the place. 

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot to do. It’s still got some pretty ugly laminate flooring downstairs and an old, dated kitchen from the 80s. And there are a few partially completed projects around the house. Those don’t bother me too much, although I’m certain my wife might have something to say about that (she says we’re not buying another house that isn’t “done” — I don’t have the heart to tell her that it’s not ever “done”).

    What bothers me is that it can feel like the walls are closing in on me now that we’re a family of four. Our house is 1300 square feet and it feels like we’re always right on top of one another. But for us to move into a larger house, we’d be looking at tripling our house payment.

    The plus side of this is that our housing costs are very low. Most of the houses like ours are selling for about double what we paid. Our monthly housing costs are one-half to one-third of what many of our friends pay. For now, this is suiting us fine, especially considering that we have two children in daycare that costs us a couple thousand dollars per month

    Some other financial positives are that, as a result of keeping our housing costs low, we’re able to save 20% for retirement and also put away a few hundred dollars per month for the kids’ college funds. We don’t have a lot left over at the end of the month, but we have an emergency fund that we almost never have to touch and don’t have to budget every penny we have. 

    We don’t have any pressure to move except for our own desires. I’m trying hard to ignore my feelings, but I think social media hasn’t helped (one more reason to perhaps get off it). Since I come from a place where housing prices are way less, I get so see a lot of people back home posting photos of living in beautiful houses. I’m trying very hard to ignore my own jealous feelings and to deny my very American drive toward “more, more, more”, but on the other hand, why should it be so tough when we are considered upper middle class? I know we have so much more than most. I am grateful for what we have. Still, our homes are more than just backdrops, they frame so much of our daily lives. I am still trying to sort my feelings out on this stuff.

  • After napping on me for 2 hours, she was all cheery this afternoon.

  • Having been on Bluesky for a couple weeks now, I can see that it’s turning out to be a carbon copy of Twitter. Mastodon still seems way more positive to me.

  • There are few things I miss more than summer weekends on a lake somewhere in northern Michigan. Seeing everyone’s pictures this time of year sure doesn’t make that any easier on me.

    Oregon has a lot going for it, but that kind of lake cottage experience just isn’t one of them.

  • You folks who put links to longer blog posts in your timeline posts, how do you do that?

    I know if I post a longer one, it will automstically put the URL, but how are you pre-emptively doing that when the post apparently hasn’t been created until it is?

  • What’s one band you used to listen to (or still do) that never got any traction in terms of popularity?

  • One rabbit hole I find myself in sometimes is looking up bands who disbanded or who had one or two hits and then faded away. Often you can still find a few of the former members on YouTube.

    Neil Young is often quoted with the lyric, “It’s better to burn out than to fade away.” I choose neither.

    In a former life, I thought I wanted to be a big-time musician, but I’m glad I wasn’t. I’d much rather have the humble life I’ve lived in relative quiet and near total anonymity.

  • That Bill Burr bit where he talks about his wife finding open days on the calendar and filling them up with shit? No truer words have ever been spoken.

  • First harvest.

  • Just learned there’s a Zappa documentary from a couple years back on Hulu. Guess I know what I’m watching this weekend.


  • I sat in a fast food joint for an hour recently because our wifi was out and it is shocking how many delivery orders I watched get picked up. People are really out there spending $50 on fast food delivery.

  • In today’s algorithm headaches, three artists Apple Music just won’t stop trying to play for me as a middle aged dad:

    1. Fleet Foxes
    2. Iron & Wine
    3. Bon Iver

    I wish they had a ‘block’ button.

  • People at 80% area median income spend 20% of their monthly budget on cars in the U.S.

  • Spotted a pretty good dust devil at the ball fields.

  • It’s been too long since I’ve had one of Barb’s burgers at the Polish Hall in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

  • I keep getting these Uber notifications not related to me ordering a ride. Uber Eats, discounts, etc.

    I think it’s a terrible business practice for an app to ask for permission to send notifications for a certain thing (e.g. car arrival) and then abuse that privilege with ads.

  • @monday In keeping up with the Micro.blog trend, I have just one state left to visit: Alaska

    I’ve only been to 6 counties, but my wife and I are planning a trip to Europe next year without our kids. Hopefully the first of many, especially after our huge daycare bill is gone!

  • Spent a good chunk of the weekend cleaning the house and making the yard look presentable because we had some friends and family over on Sunday for a barbecue.

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    The kids played with water balloons and a cheap slip and slide I picked up from Sierra. It was kind of cold but they didn’t seem to mind.

    IMG 2176When they tired of that, they played on the tire swing. That has to be the one thing I’ve ever done that has ever been worth anything, installing that tire swing. It has paid for itself in free entertainment. No matter who comes over, they’re always using the tire swing. 

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    We all sat out on the back deck, had a few drinks, and ate too much food. My mother-in-law and one of her good friends’ family came, too.

    After our barbecue, we ran over to the coast on Monday for a short hike. Both of the kids seemed to really enjoy it. I was a little frustrated at first because the trails weren’t clearly marked and we couldn’t find the waterfall we were looking for. But it was hard to stay in a foul mood because the weather cleared and the beach was pretty nice. 

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    I also got most of my tomato starts planted:

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    After a nice long weekend, things have been pretty busy at work in preparation for me starting a new position in a few weeks. I unfortunately got behind on some monotonous tasks while we were out of the office due to Covid, so I’ve been playing catchup with filing and such. I’m also managing a project that is transitioning a very offline bureaucratic process into an online format. It’s unfortunate that I won’t be able to test out the system in real life, but I feel good about leading this project and hopefully providing a good tool for whoever takes my job after I’m gone. 

    I heard from my new boss today. He and the director would like to get coffee with me next week as an informal way to get to know each other better and talk more about the position. I’m looking forward to it, and excited but nervous about the new direction my career is taking. 

  • My week in review – An Elephant in the Delta Waves inthedeltawaves.blog/2023/06/0

  • Tomorrow is my 8-year work anniversary. Total time warp feeling.

  • Ended up having so many healthy tomato starts that I gave a half dozen to my neighbors. I have too many pepper plants too, makes me wish I had more space.

  • Our roses are looking pretty good this year.

  • I’d like to thank our janky office printer for helping me hit my step count today.

  • I almost never see replies in my timeline. Are people really that diligent about changing replies to “unlisted”? Is that the culture? Or do I just follow a bunch of people who don’t reply to things?

  • Years ago, an old coworker taught me to always save those kudos you receive from coworkers, business contacts, and customers, in an email folder.

    Whenever I’m having a rough day, I open a few. They’re also pretty useful for annual reviews, or when issues arise with management.