• I’m having a difficult time learning Italian possessive adjectives (my, hers, his, theirs, etc.).

    I think the hardest part for me is that they’re dependent upon the nouns that come later, so there are so many variations and my mind isn’t fast enough to work them out ahead of time.

    Not only do the possessives vary depending on the gender of the noun, they also depend on what letter the noun ends with and whether that noun is plural or not. Mind bending.

  • Sometimes I like to watch old interviews with musicians.

    Often I’m surprised by how different my perception of them is compared to the reality. I’m sure to a large degree that’s an intentional curation, making gods out of men.

    I was just 13 when Kurt Cobain died in 1994, so at 27 years old he just looked like a grown ass man to me.

    Watching his interviews now, he looked so young and even childish. Not a bad thing, just a reflection on how our perceptions can change as we age.

  • In addition to our outdoor winter garden, I planted some starts a week and a half ago with my son, who’s 4. I should’ve started earlier, but I’m sure some will work out.

    Not sure why, but I’m always amazed when anything grows at all, and I like the vibes I get when they do begin to sprout.

    Gardening may be a net negative in terms of financial costs, but a big positive for our physical and mental health, not to mention a great education for our little ones.

  • Say what you will about how technology has ruined this or that, here’s a list of places where I’ve found my keys or wallet via AirTag or Tile that I might not have otherwise:

    Kitchen trash (multiple times), roadside roller trash bin, bottom of my kids’ toy box, bottom of an umbrella stroller while closed and in the back of our van, deep inside the couch, in my tool pouch, at a restaurant.

  • I’ve been learning Italian and I love how Italians say okay…..like “okayee”.

  • Got tired of replacing the batteries on my mouse, so I got this thing – not sure if anyone has seen it before – but it’s a WIRED mouse. Plugs right into the computer you are using. Go figure, wonder what they’ll come out with next.

  • Weeded the second garden bed yesterday, feeling like I got hit by a truck today. Love getting older.

  • My child (left) having a full on meltdown after watching Super Mario Bros. because the arcade only accepts dollars and dad doesn’t carry cash 😂. Kiddo learned some life lessons today, namely you can’t always get what you want.

  • My 4 y.o. son kept referring to “goose tape” this past week and I had no idea what he was talking about. Turns out he meant duct tape all along. Kids! 😂

  • Finally getting my garden into some sort of shape. Weeded this box, added some compost, soil amendments, etc. One down, one to go.

    Also put a band-aid fix on the broken corner (bottom left). Last year a moving truck backed into my driveway and smashed the corner. Caught the whole thing on camera.

    Feeling behind this year but it’s been so cold and rainy.

  • Had such a wonderful time in New York. Can’t wait to go back.

  • What a great city.

  • “And did you know the Liberty Bell is a replica
    Silently housed in its original walls
    And while its dreams played music in the night, quietly
    It was told to believe”
    — Mitski

  • Jeff Bridges is 73. Not sure why that surprises me, but it does.

  • I don’t think I can forgive Polar Seltzer for switching form 12 packs to 8 packs and keeping the same price. Shrinkflation at its finest.

  • West coast consumer price index is up 15% since January 2021, yet my place of work decided to reduce their cost of living adjustments, so we’re doing the same jobs for about 7% less pay than we were two years ago. They’re eliminating some positions that had remained unfilled due to budgetary reasons, so some folks will continue doing multiple jobs for less pay.

  • I wonder what the growth impact will be in the long term.

  • Realized today that between quitting smoking a little over 6 years ago, and not having a car payment for over 4, I’ve been able to save an additional 40 grand toward retirement.

  • As a parent, I’m horrified by mass shootings and live in fear for my kids. What perplexes me however is that motor vehicle deaths, although trending down, are on par with gun deaths. Somehow we keep building cities for cars and not people and the only outrage I see is when there isn’t enough parking, the roads aren’t wide enough, or high density housing is proposed down the street.

    (Leading Causes of Death among Children and Adolescents in the United States, 1999 through 2020, CDC)

  • We’re starting to think about our plans for Portugal and Italy next year with the ultimate goal of scouting out some potential places to live for something of a sabbatical. Beginning to believe it’s possible.

  • Today was one of those days where all of my next steps on a project are awaiting other people to finish theirs. Happens too often. So I threw on my headphones, caught up on some Italian language podcasts, and mindlessly did some spreadsheet work. I’m unfulfilled and want a new career but don’t want to put in the effort it would take to make a change at this point in my life.

  • It’s 2023 and I still have male coworkers whom only ever talk about sports when interacting with others on topics unrelated to work. Honestly hadn’t heard this one guy’s voice in months until March Madness began.

  • Two shower thoughts tonight:

    1) I have an absolutely awful memory for celebrity names and I don’t watch sports. Don’t invite me to trivia.

    2) Isn’t the Buddhist belief in rebirth just a desire, given that we’re all just talking viruses with consciousness, biding our time until we’re space dust again, man?

  • Life would be a whole lot more entertaining if we could comment on Zillow and Redfin listings.