• Tried out and the last couple months but I’m loving the iOS client the most.

    One thing that’s huge for me is that the entire person’s @ is always visible, allowing you to see from where a post originated. Also just a clean and thoughtful implementation with plenty of customization without being overwhelming. I especially like the drop down menu at top to change feeds, and ability to follow other instances.

  • How many more artists’ depictions of exoplanets and other space junk could we possibly need?

    I’m getting tired of clickbait space news headlines that try to pass off illustrations like they’re photos. To be sure, they add nothing and only serve to mislead.

  • Maybe I’m weird, but I think Raisin Bran as a nighttime snack is underrated.

  • Our grocery loader had a ulilikilt this morning. First time seeing one in the wild. I don’t blame them, either.

  • “In an odd twist, Astoria Chief of Police Stacy Kelly tells KOIN 6 News that the man, identified as Jericho Labonte, was the same person who left a dead fish on the porch of the Goonies House. Read more in the link above.” koin.com/local/oregon-coast/ma

  • My wife and I have read 3 to 5 books per night to our son since he was about 18 months old. Every single night for 2.5 years. So it’s pretty safe to say we’re kind of experts on children’s books at this point. By FAR the absolute lowest effort books are the Hot Wheels ones. Can’t even believe this garbage was published.

  • I don’t eat Taco Bell very often, but when I do, you can bet it’s because there’s one located in the Home Depot parking lot.

  • One of my favorite lyrics of all time:

    I was there when Captain Beefheart started up his first band. I told him, ‘Don’t do it that way. You’ll never make a dime.’

    “I’m Losing My Edge” by LCD Soundsystem

  • TriMet is inviting local artists () to submit their qualifications to design a full-color digital image(s) for printing on vinyl to be applied on a bus in recognition of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+) Pride Month bus wrap design. Selected artist will be paid up to $4,000. Link to the app: trimet.org/callforartists/BusM

  • If it weren’t for bills and the occasional email from long lost friends, I’d probably just get rid of e-mail altogether.

  • Are there folks out there who actually leave their email notifications ON? Given that the vast majority of stuff that hits my inbox is garbage, I just have Gmail mark everything as read the moment it arrives. If it’s important, I’ll find it.

  • It’s strange that I’m in my early 40s and I still have to pretty regularly remind people that I’m in fact a Millennial. It’s like a lot of people older than me have solidified in their minds the image of a Millennial as a snot-nosed 20 something with unrealistic expectations, content on shaking up the workplace. A lot of us are jaded old curmudgeons too now who just want to be left alone. Oh, and get off my lawn.

  • Closing in on 8 years in this town and the only lasting friendships I’ve made are a couple of prior coworkers I see once or twice a year. Men are weird and male loneliness is an epidemic.

  • "You're living this very bare, stripped down life, and you're with your thoughts, and you're hearing about terrible things and it's really scary," she says,…'why do I live a thousand miles away from my parents? Why have I chosen to work so hard that actually I'm not sure I really like my job; but I know I really love my kids, and I don't really think I want to work this way anymore.'" npr.org/sections/money/2023/01

  • It’s sad to click on the Wikipedia page of an artist you’ve just discovered, only to have the first verb be in the past tense. Was…

  • Sometimes I think about all of the incredible music created in the 80s and how I managed to be born into a family of hair metal fans. A profoundly unfortunate comedy if you ask me.

  • Hate to see the economy suffer, but man, I hope home prices fall as a result of all these cuts. Quite frankly I’m shocked we haven’t seen a more dramatic correction yet. oregonlive.com/silicon-forest/

  • Not sure when middle age officially begins, but for me I think it started with refusing self checkout.

  • Sure, the comment sections are bad. But what gets me is that each of those comments represent a real human who is generally afraid to say those things out loud, but whom nevertheless still walk this earth with that junk seething inside of them. That’s the type of shit that keeps me up at night.

  • Not gonna name names, but imagine being the kind of celebrity who is only known to anyone because of the greatness of a relative. Just coasting through life, living off their estate, and living in the shadow of their deceased family member’s talents. What an utterly strange dimension of this world that must be.

  • It’s wild that I went so many years thinking Portland didn’t have any decent radio stations simply because PRP’s signal is so weak. Thankful for the internet broadcast, but if any station needs a larger coverage area, it’s that one. Discover something new almost every day. I missed radio. Maybe someday I’ll submit some of my own music.

  • Why yes, those are my Totino’s pizza rolls in the office freezer.

  • 23° in Portland this a.m. This kind of weather gets west coasters acting all sorts of weird. Even though it’s supposed to be clear all day, I bet I’ll see some tipped up windshield wipers somewhere today.

  • Even as we approach our 5 year anniversary, my heart still sometimes skips a beat.

  • Did you know you can look up where you milk comes from with the code on the carton? I was curious where our Trader Joe’s organic milk came from. Turns out it’s Alpenrose. whereismymilkfrom.com/