Tag: umich

  • Thinking back to my first sociology class at University of Michigan in 1999. It was a social stratification lecture and my professor asked every single student on the first day what suburb of Detroit we lived in, and he proceeded to rank our social status based on that. Of course it played into the subject matter, but what a wild experience that stuck with each of us the remainder of the semester. Felt real bad for the girl from Melvindale.

  • Google and are taking away my unlimited cloud storage for alumni. This, after 10 years of me uploading all of my photos and videos from every device I’ve owned since. Gonna be fun offloading several hundred gigs and figuring out another solution. Most likely their plan all along. mobile photos app, where are you when I need you?

  • That one time the President spoke at graduation. Hard to believe it’s been 8 years.

  • This place is amazing.