Today is a beautiful day. I love it when I rise with the sun, fully rested and in high spirits. I've been taking a lot from my religious readings lately, especially Rumi…he makes me think these positive thoughts, feel these feelings that everything is in it's right place. My posture is improving and the tension in my shoulders and brow are lessened by the day. I think soon that I will have the willpower to quit smoking and then I'll be filled with energy in time for spring!

I haven't always been the best of people, I know this, for I often wore it on my sleeve as pessimism. I have been trying to be more selfless. Yesterday I was walking to my car, 5 blocks away from class, and while passing the parked cars along the way I saw the little parking ticket police vehicle cruising along, trying to snag someone. I was about 2-3 car lengths ahead of her, and when I saw cars without minutes on the meter, I pumped in a coin for them. I think she saw me and was actually mad! Can you believe that! I laughed at her and I laughed at myself.


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